Why You Should Not Use TYPO3?

TYPO3 is an Open-source CMS and is a free tool for creating websites and we’re in love with TYPO3! But at times TYPO3 can be addicting and painful at the time under certain circumstances. What are those situations? Why you should not use TYPO3, check it out!

Why You Should Not Use TYPO3?

TYPO3 is an Open-source CMS and is a free tool for creating websites and we’re in love with TYPO3! But at times TYPO3 can be addicting and painful at the time under certain circumstances. What are those situations? Why you should not use TYPO3, check it out!

Well well, okay, we’re having a piece of a comic story here. But you need to admit … none of these is a stretch. If you’ve been in love with TYPO3 for a long enough time, you’ve surely discovered yourself in a number of the one's scenarios!

Your PHP coding skills will no longer be useful as TYPO3 does not require coding skill sets.

TYPO3 requires zero programming and coding skills. Thus, even without the knowledge of programming languages such as PHP, you can still set up your TYPO3 website. Ease-of-use and management with TYPO3 can make you an expert!

You’ll get addicted to TYPO3 Extensions. There are like 10K+ of them out there. And you have to get them all!

TYPO3 Extensions are the extra functionalities that can be added to any TYPO3 website to add features or expand functionality. Most extensions, from security to backups to marketing are free. And you’d like to have them all!

You’ll get seriously annoyed if anyone writes “Typo3” instead of “TYPO3”

You’ll want to have a powerpack TYPO3 website with desire to use all 10K+ TYPO3 features!

By far the most amazing TYPO3 CMS comes with 10.000+ extraordinary features like truly multilingual, multisite, workspaces, marketing integrations and what not, but you’ll always have constant urge to know and try those 10K+ TYPO3 features. 

You’ll fall in love with TYPO3 Badly!

You’ll be always hanging around and experimenting with new things with TYPO3 and would be hanging with TYPO3 family i.e TYPO3 community. Unlike us, you’d be saving up and waiting to attend TYPO3Camp, conferences, and meetups all over the world.

Core Web Vitals & Speed Performance Stuffs - What’s that for TYPO3?

You’ll never have to measure speed metrics like Google core web vitals with TYPO3 as it is number one OpenSouce CMS which gets the highest ranking in one of the page performance reports.

You’ll be torn between attending functions and your favourite TYPO3 events!

You’d be making new experiments daily with your TYPO3 website instead of chilling at club

Well, the TYPO3 backend and administration panel of TYPO3 is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. This means that even if you are a novice at running a website, with TYPO3 you don’t have to struggle with a lot of tasks such as managing content, publishing blog posts, uploading media ultimately then to be dancing and having beers at club

You’ll have to clarify your richness for being able to afford such awesome TYPO3 site!

TYPO3 is a free software without limitations for commercial use and other restrictions. In an open source software, the source code can be modified by anyone. Everything that would require coding to create or update is translated into a simple user interface, with everything crucial to your website design and functionality at your fingertips to make an awesome TYPO3 website for free!

You’ll be waiting for new TYPO3 Upgrade and urge to install new version!

With every latest TYPO3 version to come you’d be glued to TYPO3 news for latest updates and waiting like a kid to try out your hands on latest TYPO3 version. Since TYPO3 is an open-source platform, the upgrades for this CMS are free! And yes it’ll always get pretty awkward during family dinners to explain “why exactly are you so excited about that newest TYPO3 update”.

You’ll keep boasting about TYPO3’s Security as its Most Secure Open SOurce CMS

According to the report of Sucuri.net TYPO3 is the world's least hacked OpenSource CMS. And unlike us, you’ll always be overwhelmed with TYPO3’s robust security.

With Free TYPO3 Templates, you’d be ultimately developing a new TYPO3 website literally for everyone!

With  many free templates available for TYPO3, at TER and TYPO3 Marketplace that are mobile-friendly (responsive), which makes TYPO3 all the more powerful. For each business, NGO, or person you see you’ll end up thinking to build a TYPO3 website for them.

Warning! You cannot stay away from TYPO3!

TYPO3 being able to manage your website from any computer, you’d be glued to your TYPO3 system with internet connection and device.

Diplomatic! You’ll end up having debate that “TYPO3 Is For Everyone”

TYPO3 is not only for enterprise CMS, TYPO3 is for everyone! Yes you’ll be repeating the same line at discussions and with your clients in context that be it a personal blogger or a large scale enterprise, TYPO3 suits every business and can be used to create any type of website, be it for a business, eCommerce, a non-profit organization, a government establishment or just a simple personal blog.

You’ll have your eyes constantly on TYPO3 Marketplace for new TYPO3 product to release!

T3Planet TYPO3 Marketplace constantly launches new exciting TYPO3 templates and extensions, you’d be waiting for new product to release and try it out with their live back-end & front-end demo, surely you’ll download the free version, but probably you’ll end up purchasing the premium one too!

And That’s It!

I hope this blog has been fun and learning at the same time. Anything else you might want to add to the mix? I’m sure there are some more totally legitimate reasons out there to not use TYPO3.

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  • user
    Diana 2022-09-12 at 12:45 pm
    Wow! Such a creative TYPO3 branding article :)
  • user
    Diana 2022-09-12 at 12:43 pm
    Wow! Such a creative TYPO3 branding article :)